Putting down a dog that is old/sick/hurt/uncontrollably aggressive is one thing. Doing it seemingly out of anger/frustration/embarrassment is another.
Think everyone on here who has own/trained/been around hunting dogs would say the most important thing a hunting dog needs before going on its first hunt is discipline. A disciplined dog might learn how to track or hold a bird a bit from other dogs , but an undisciplined dog is just going to ruin the hunt and not learn a thing. Especially when it's not a controlled training setting but a hunt with presumably plenty of other people and dogs, birds flushing, guns going off, etc. She set up the dog to fail, I mean it was all but guaranteed, and when it did she was annoyed and probably embarrassed and took it out on the dog.
The dog clearly had no discipline, was let lose and did what its instincts compel it to do. All of that was her fault, not the dog's.
So to me she comes off as a wannabe hunter/dog handler who has no clue what she's doing and got pissed off when it was made obvious to everyone else.
And then in telling the story she comes off as a wannabe tough guy but really just reveals herself to be an idiot too dumb to see the whole thing was her fault.
My 2 cents.