youth turkey season


New member
two of my 3 boys killed a turkey this weekend during the youth sseason the only reason the third didn't kill one is because he would not get up out of bed. youngest killed his first turkey saturday it was a jake 4" beard 1/2 " spurs and 17#:10sign:, my older boy killed a tom with a 9" beard and 1" spurs and 20#:10sign: so needless to say dad is behind already , but i get a bigger kick out of my kids killing something than me , plus it's just nice being in the outdoors and any bad day in the woods is better than a good day at work. after my youngest killed his he said " dad could you hear my heart beating and me breathing" i said yes and if you ever loose that feeling than it's time to quit hunting. also seen a hen in full strut trying to intimidate my decoy but my decoy stood it's ground.
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Good Times :thumbsup:
MN season opened this weekend also I think? I have not seen a bird all winter then this morning I had to stop for two toms on the road and seen 13 turkeys behind the house. (figures No turkey tag):mad:
Tell the kids Congratulation :10sign:
Diddo what Golden said. Tell the kids congrats. I think Iowa's youth season opened up this weekend as well. I saw a few earlier this year at the start of the year, but not many since then.
Also, that must've been one tough decoy you have :)
thanks i will tell them guys , and on the decoy side of it i had to reassure her i would not let that ever happen to her again:D
I have to fix my mistake. April 14 is turkey opener in MN.