Youth hunt weekend--wanna meet up?

My 2 boys and I will be headed out for the youth opener and I was wondering if anyone here is taking a youth and would want to meet up for a field or 2. Of course with kids we'll have to split 'em up so we can keep a good eye on them, safety is obviously the top priority. I've done this a few times with different dads/pastors and sons/youth group kids and it's always been a good time.

If you're interested, respond here or send me a PM. I don't really want more than 3 or 4 guns/youth hunters, but if there are enough adults to watch the 4th or 5th hunter, I would entertain that, especially if the kid has some experience.....I don't want to make it a big group, but I wouldn't mind having a few more bodies to help cover ground and socialize with.

Whether we find a taker or not won't matter much. We're going to experience a decent combo hunt (Q&P), even if I gotta walk their little legs off:D
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When is the youth weekend?

And geographically speaking what part of the state are you planning on heading too. I live in Wichita.

Reason Im asking is I dont have any youth that would hunt but if you're interested I might be interesting in running my dog if you'll be in a 2 hour circle of Wichita. A tune up for her wouldnt hurt.

4.5 yr old English Setter. (Had to think about how old she was for a moment....time is flying by)

If we dont meet up, best of luck and hope you find a few.

We'd get along if you dont constantly talk/yell at your dogs. If you are a talker/yeller and profuse user of a beeper collar we wouldnt start off on the right foot. :cheers:
HA! I used to scream my lungs out in the field b/c I didn't "believe" in e-collars and frankly, didn't spend enough time with my dogs outside of bird season. In my late 20's I got an e-collar, started investing more time in my dogs outside of the season (thanks to this site), and there is no need for all the yelling. Besides, the 2 dogs I have now are both well past their puppy stage, so they work nice and close pretty much all the time. Oh, and no beepers......I just don't like the noise. My dogs are NOT polished dogs. They find birds, point them, and when I manage to shoot one, they usually bring it back to me:D

I'll send you a pm with location.
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Give me about 2 years and I'm in! :laugh:

Seriously though... probably two years away from putting a shotgun in her hands. She's responsible enough now I think, but I'll wait two more years to let her grow a bit more. If you're still doing this in two seasons, I would love for us to tag along.:thumbsup:
Give me about 2 years and I'm in! :laugh:

Seriously though... probably two years away from putting a shotgun in her hands. She's responsible enough now I think, but I'll wait two more years to let her grow a bit more. If you're still doing this in two seasons, I would love for us to tag along.:thumbsup:

It's a deal Toad. I've got the "requirements" lined-up for the next 14 years:eek: My baby girl is 2. She likes the bird dogs and wildlife already:thumbsup: The boys are 11 and 8, so they're eligible until she's big enough. Even when my kids are too old to qualify and even if they haven't made me a grampa yet, I will "borrow" someone else's kid for this event, even if I have to post flyers around town and wear a flack-jacket in the field. I love that my dogs get the first go at a few public's almost like a non-carrying, resident opener for Kansans if you have access to a youth:D
Got a small group for Sunday; not taking anymore.

Saturday is still open if anyone's interested. We may have a forum member that has dogs, but no kids, join us Saturday.
The group that was meeting us Sunday had something come up, so they're not going to make it.

KSHusker, sorry, but I believe we're going to be more than 2 hours from Wichita tomorrow morning. I'll send you a PM letting you know what I've decided. You're still quite welcome to bring your dogs if you're still interested.

If anyone decides today that they'd like to meet up in the morning, send me a PM or respond to this thread by 8pm or so tonight. We can meet up by I-70, near the Alma exit and go from there. We're going where we found good populations of pheasant and quail last season:cool:
Maybe next year we will take you up on your offer (if you make another one), we tried the dove hunt and he just wasn't ready yet.

I hope you find a few for the boys to shoot at!

Good Luck and Have Fun!!
Hooe you guys have a good hunt. Had soccer games this weekend. We wont get out till next weekend , hope the weather is as nice as this one.