WTS: Alum-Line dog/ contractor topper for 8' truck bed


New member
Topper has sold- I am selling my Alum-Line aluminum contractor topper for 8 foot truck beds and wonder if would be of interest as a dog topper for members of this forum.

It's incredibly well built- it has storage boxes on the driver's side and on the passenger side has 2 sliding windows with screens and bars that are attached to hinged, locking doors. The rear door has a screened sliding window with bars, too. The interior is lined with oak plywood and has a power panel and interior lighting. It also has a custom aluminum ladder that attaches to the rails on top to make it easy to climb up.

I'm not sure if you'd want all your dogs together in the back of the truck bed or if you'd want to put a floor and separate spaces for dogs at the bed rail height and put the dogs in from the side windows.

I'd think a topper would be pretty handy for dogs- no need to store a trailer or a box in the off season. Just keep it on your truck all year.

As you can tell, I don't hunt with lots of dogs- one buddy's beagle hunts with us for rabbits and she gets to ride in the back seat on a down comforter. Pretty tough life she has.

I'm in Columbus, Ohio and am happy to deliver it for a reasonable cost.

I'm selling my topper because I'm getting out of contracting.
Alum-Line charges $5995 plus shipping and tax to duplicate this topper. Is $2,500 a reasonable price?

Please let me know what you think and thanks for your help!

I forgot to mention that I'd be interested in a partial trade for a 20 gauge. I like my Benelli 12 gauge, so a 20 gauge M2 with rifled slug and shot barrels would be perfect! Or a nice double barrel, maybe an H&K P7 PSP pistol, or an accurized 20" AR-15. I have a wide range of interests, so try me! E-mail is best at tcorban@columbus.rr.com





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tarhee looks like a nice piece 2 grand may be a little steep but then again maybe not with a little work a guy could make that suitable for dogs without a doubt