Winter mortality question...


New member
Since we just experienced a pretty bad winter, I thought about this question with nesting now opon us:

Since we hear that roosters outcompete hens for the best winter nesting cover - shouldn't that mean the bulk of dead birds found after brutal winters or nasty storms are then always going to be hens?

I can't say I've ever gone out looking for dead birds after bad weather, but thought I'd hear more comments about the hen to rooster death ratio than seems to be documented...
In a normal wild pheasant situation there will be about 4 to 1 hen to rooster ratio going into Winter. So, for sure there will be more hen deaths compared to roosters.
In non- hunted areas the number of roosters and hens will be about equal going into Winter. With poor cover and short food supply the roosters will dominate the hens losing out.

Hunting, harvest of roosters is good for Pheasants.:)