Wildest adventure

Alright time to think about that adventure that makes you think now what the heck possessed me to do that:D I DON'T WANT NO CANDY BUTT STUFF LIKE i WACTHED A FULL VIKINGs GAME WITHOUT FALLING ASLEEP. Or I put my tongue on cold metal:) I want I fought a grizzly bear and killed it with my bare hands or I jumped out of a plane type stuff. Or anything that will make us laugh:thumbsup: I'm going to answer for blackcloud:thumbsup: He swallowed 3 BIG BIG BIG atomic fireballs and a mountain dew at once and lived to tell about it:thumbsup: Thats a MAN:D I went rock climbing no ropes. Let me tell you Up wasn't a problem down not to good.
Wrestled a Brown Bear once during a Sportshow. Ended up really embarassing myself.

Wrestled a Grizzly Bear once during a Sportshow. Got the holy, living, poop, beat right out of me! I didnt walk strait for two weeks afterwards.

One winter night while driving around drinking beer with a bunch of women we came across a Bull Moose standing in the middle of the gravel road. I decided to jump out and scare him off the road. I walked up to him and it was obvious he wasnt going anywhere. So I reached out and slapped him on the nose. Instantly all hell broke loose! He reared up and came after me, chased me all the way around my car and then clear over the hood. The corner at the right tailight was very harrowing, he almost hooked me there when I slipped on the ice while cutting the corner. I made it inside the drivers door just as the bull struck the door with his front hoofs. The women thought it was all pretty hilarious! I thought it was about the stupedest thing I'd ever done. I ended up with a dent in my hood and my drivers door kicked in.

When I was fighting bulls, I always thought I could run right at a fighting bull, and when he lowered his head to hit me, I could jump in the air and come down with my feet on top of his head. The plan was to have him "spring" me high in the air. Good plan I thought. Turned out to be a terrible plan! Tried it maybe a dozen times and failed terribly every time! Everytime it was a pretty good wreck, and a few times it was a pretty serious wreck!



You the man dc240nt:thumbsup: You take on the big animals:) I gave a new born calf its shots this spring and the cow was just wacthing so I decided to pull the long hair on her head. Boy did that make her :mad: I thought she was going to break my ribs:)
Maynard, its a good thing god didn't make bull snakes poisonous. Because they sure have a bad attitude. :)