WIHA not on map

I saw several pieces of land that had the white WIHA signs, but they were not on the map.

One piece was not on the map last year or this year, but it had the signs.

Two pieces were on the map last year, but not this year and they still had the signs.

Can we hunt the land if it isn't on the map but has signs posted? I asked a man at the motel and he said he was hunting one of them for deer.

I updated my GPS on Thursday and they were not on that map either.
Late enrollments possibly? I would think they'd be on your updated GPS map though.
I have ran across that quite often. I suppose late enrollments, got overlooked etc etc. I've even ran into some wiha that had no trespassing signs nailed to the post above the wiha sign!
Do they enroll yearly? There are some that were that way last year and some that were on the map last year that have signs this year.

I just called the Kansas DOW and asked them. They said if there is a sign we can hunt it. The only person that can tell you that you can not hunt it is "the land owner or a biologist".
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There are several reasons this happens. 1) We allow our field Biologists the flexibility to lease properties right up until November 1. This makes it difficult to reflect those changes timely on our website and logistically can not be included or excluded in our atlas publication that is printed in August. 2) Cooperators in the WIHA program have the flexibility to cancel their contract at anytime, with written notice. Unfortunately, some of our cooperators do this mid-season. It is important to note that the signs take precedence over any map publication. That also means that if there are "no longer enrolled in WIHA" signs present on the property then we can no longer permit access to the property. We have also had issues of people placing "no hunting" signs on a property that also has WIHA signs. In this case, attempt to notify your local Biologist, NRO, etc. However, as long as the WIHA signs are still visible, it is OK to access for hunting purposes during the contract period. Good luck this weekend, our staff will be out this weekend completing our annual WIHA Survey. If you receive a survey card, please attempt to take the time to fill it out. We do use this data to assist with programmatic decision making and it also helps to provide an indeces of hunter success, habitat quality etc. We appreciate your assistance! Good luck this weekend and the rest of the hunting season! Stay safe!

A couple more items of note: We are still slightly over 1 million acres with approximately 1,020,000 acres enrolled in WIHA. However, we are down from last year and have seen a declining trend over the last few years due to CRP expirations, changing farming operations, ownership changes, private leasing etc. We have recently developed an Access Committee to address some of these concerns and are already in the process of revamping our WIHA payment system, attempting to tie directly to habitat type. Furthermore, we are starting a pilot program in 18 urban counties around KC-Lawrence-Topeka and Wichita. These properties will be known as "iWIHA" and will be directly tied to the iSportsman application that will be able to limit access to these areas. Information on iWIHA can be found at our website, http://ksoutdoors.com/Hunting/Hunting-Programs/iWIHA-Limited-Access-Hunts

This would not be possible without the increases that we have seen in Wildlife & Sportfish Restoration funds due to the increased sales of firearms and ammunition etc. It would also not be possible without all of you out there that purchase a license every year and treat WIHA areas with respect and gratitude! Thanks for all you do and may you and your dog(s) find success this year!

Comments are also welcome:

KDWPT Operations Office
Attn: Wildlife Division
512 SE 25th Ave.
Pratt, KS 67124
Not often that one receives an official response, from a state agency, on an public internet forum. Very impressive. Thank you.