Why do I spend $$ on chew toys?


Active member
When Phin, our chocolate, was a pup he found a log piece on one of our mountain hikes. The thing was almost a big as him, but it was his, and he tried to carry it around the rest of the day. We brought it home and it quickly became his go to when he was outside. To this day, at 3 years old, he will still pick it up and start gnawing away.

Our pup Annie is 6 months now, and adopted the log as a favorite. I don’t know if it’s because she sees him with it or the log contains some dog version of catnip but it has become one of her daily chew toys too.

Here’s Phin at maybe a year old and Annie (6 months) and the log (about 1/2 it’s original size.)
Phin and Annie.jpg