Why close a good thread???


Active member
Kiotehntr, no one was over the top from what I read, why close the topic??? I don't believe what I read was getting out of control! everyone was being pretty civil !!! Some of us disagreed but that is what makes it a good topic! We can all learn from this, especially the new dog owners! Opinions in good taste are supposed to be welcome! I don't think anyone was out of line! My 2 cents and if I am wrong I respect your decision!!!:thumbsup:
Which post was closed? Just wondering. :rolleyes: --1pheas4

Never mind. Just tryed to add a post and was rejected. --1pheas4
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Blue, their are several things listed in the above rules that have been happening in alot of threads lately. It seems that some people think that their "ethics" or "ways of hunting" or should be followed by any and all, and that if they disagree then they don't know what they're talking about and it starts the nit picking and flamed posts. I've gotten some PM's from a couple concerned members so I acted like I agreed to when I became a Moderator. I'm not trying to censor the board, but people need to take a deep breath when they read something that they disagree with and not hastily type an inflammed post. We can all agree to disagree, that's what is so great about America, but we also have to keep the integrity of the rules intact.
I was disappointed to see it closed. However, I did see some personal attacks that seemed out of place.

Personal attack in debate is called "arguing buy the stick." Basically, a poster doesn't have a intelligent reply so they say something that attacks a persons intelligence or experience even though they probably have no clue of the reality of what they are saying.

Let's be honest, those of us on these forums make friends, but we really don't know each other.
Every forum develops its own personality based on the participants and the moderators. Some are anything goes, some must remain a love covenant, still others in between. This site appears to be falling into middle ground and thats fine.

I think the title of the thread promoted some esculation of attitudes.

The ideas brought out could certainly be discussed in the Main Bird Dog Forum.
Let's be honest, those of us on these forums make friends, but we really don't know each other.

If I'm reading this right.......and maybe I'm not and I'm sorry NCKHusker if I'm miss reading this but his quote is along the lines of something I said in my "Thanksgiving" post. "Agree or disagree (with each other) if met in the field we would hunt side by side". What I'm saying is the person being called names or disagreed with may be a real "stand up" type of guy. We really don't know each other's positive qualities.

Was the thread a waste?..............not for me. I've learned that I need to use some of my training techniques out of view of my neighbors from here on out. For that I'm thankfull. --1pheas4
We really don't know each other's positive qualities./QUOTE]

Exactly. It is easy to get on here and say harsh things and give a certain perception of ourselves when that is not how we would interact with the same group of people if this were face to face.

What is a "fight" on the forum would be laughs and jokes at the restaurant after a hunt. There is a lot lost in translation when this is the only form of communication you have with such a diverse group.
There is a lot lost in translation when this is the only form of communication you have with such a diverse group.

That's very well put Husker. Very well put. I see exactly what you are saying in the more controversial posts. On any forum. :10sign::cheers: