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F. Arguments. If you had a post that tends to cause arguments it may be deleted.
G. Competing Websites. If you had a post referring to a competing website it will be deleted.
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J. Deleting Posts. ANY post may be deleted at any time. We do not want to have a censored forum, but we must keep the forum integrity intact.
Blue, their are several things listed in the above rules that have been happening in alot of threads lately. It seems that some people think that their "ethics" or "ways of hunting" or should be followed by any and all, and that if they disagree then they don't know what they're talking about and it starts the nit picking and flamed posts. I've gotten some PM's from a couple concerned members so I acted like I agreed to when I became a Moderator. I'm not trying to censor the board, but people need to take a deep breath when they read something that they disagree with and not hastily type an inflammed post. We can all agree to disagree, that's what is so great about America, but we also have to keep the integrity of the rules intact.