Why are the Fed's so stupid

Alright we had a dam that was just redone 5 yrs. ago 1.5 million dollars. they never held water with it:eek: Last year they take out the dam and dike 1 million:mad: We get a new manager:thumbsup: and he wants to biuld it all over again no idea what it's going to cost:confused: One way I'm happy but is there no brain power in the gov't anymore? Oh they want to build it with local taxes. And we wonder why theres no wildlife left:( We should build a refuge to keep these bone brains inside.

Dang good Question, I'd better stop right here. You get me started on the subject and I'll get Band.:mad:
Hmmm . . . could it be that other "S" things "run downhill" also?
Alright we had a dam that was just redone 5 yrs. ago 1.5 million dollars. they never held water with it:eek: Last year they take out the dam and dike 1 million:mad: We get a new manager:thumbsup: and he wants to biuld it all over again no idea what it's going to cost:confused: One way I'm happy but is there no brain power in the gov't anymore? Oh they want to build it with local taxes. And we wonder why theres no wildlife left:( We should build a refuge to keep these bone brains inside.

you got to be kidding coot!!!!!!! they just tore it out and leveled a bunch of trees to do it. that is crazier than some of the people i saw in las vegas this week end.
They are a bunch of over educated idiots that loves to spend your money.