Where to Start for SD winter trip


New member
Planning my first 4-5 day pheasant hunt in SD for the end of November beginning of December with a my Griff who will be 13 months and a buddy from IL that has a Britt that will be 16 months. Where can I start to look at maps and planning out some areas to try? Not looking for exact locations just some general direction. Have looked at the SD DNR site and maps, but no clue what areas I should concentrate on. On the mailing list for the September publication of their Hunting Atlas. Will be driving out from VA so I'd like to keep it to the SE side. My bring an RV and tow my truck behind if gas prices are ridiculous then, if not will hit up the small dog friendly motels. Thanks for the tips.
the walk in ground changes from year to year......i would wait until roadside counts are posted. that time of year you won't have trouble with lodging, so no hurry getting comitted to a certain part of the state, but normally the SE part is not the best......good luck, if you're driving that far, hunt where the bird population is decent.
If it takes driving further then that's what we'll have to do. Just said SE due to the distance that were traveling. I'm not on any time restraint for being out there. I'll will actually probably stay longer and hunt solo as he has a business to run and can only squeeze in 4-5 days. In what I've seen so far from the maps there seems to be a lot more land available on the western side. Will hurry up and wait for those estimates to come out in a few months.
Stay within 50 miles of the missouri river from Charles Mix county north:cheers: