What's up with this "winter" weather?


Well-known member
59° outside currently. If the season was still open, it would be almost too warm in late January to run my GSP! Are the Dakotas unseasonably warm also today? You guys run thru January, right? Here is our global warming at work.
I just looked at the 10-day forecast the "lowest" high temp is 30°. About the best winter for the birds we could hope for...so far.
Wow, almost 60 degrees in late January? Its about 40 degrees here which is quite a bit warmer than normal but 59 is absurdly mild.
Difference is no snow. Snow depresses the high temps in the winter.

Most recent drought monitor ...

Mild? I just finished driving home from the lower 48, Outside as we call it. It was 45 in Beaver Creek at the Alaskan border with Canada when I crossed.