Whats going on with her?


Well-known member
My wife has forced me to go to South Dakota every weekend but two since the middle of Sept.

( my daugter got married on Dec 4th, and I had to stay home for that)'

This morning, she said the weathers gonna be in the 50s, you should go again. If you're tired of bird and deer hunting, you could always go fishing.

Last night, on the way to Sioux Falls, she says. I want to figure out a way to get you that new Skeeter walleye boat you've been wanting. You gonna buy new or used?

I just cant stand her anymore. Anyone willing to take her off my hands?:)

Seriously, Ive got one of the greatest wives in the world+ for 54 years old, shes a hottie!
And when did you wake up from your dream? :D Hunting all the time skeeter boat this sounds like you had one to many and woke up wishing it was all true :cheers:
I'll send you my phone number, you poor devil . . . it will be the ultiimate sacrifice, but Brothers-of-the-Rising-Cackle hold a sacred responsibility & trust . . . it's my duty. At 63, your evil bride & I likely share some common ground (Does she like MASH re-runs?). I have extra e-collars just in-case. Can she cook, clean guns & birds, and tie Steelhead flies? We may be able to consummate a deal. I'm here for you . . . cereally, YOU are indeed a lucky man! Take the best-of-care of that treasure (buy her a 28-gauge) . . .

I'll send you my phone number, you poor devil . . . it will be the ultiimate sacrifice, but Brothers-of-the-Rising-Cackle hold a sacred responsibility & trust . . . it's my duty. At 63, your evil bride & I likely share some common ground (Does she like MASH re-runs?). I have extra e-collars just in-case. Can she cook, clean guns & birds, and tie Steelhead flies? We may be able to consummate a deal. I'm here for you . . . cereally, YOU are indeed a lucky man! Take the best-of-care of that treasure (buy her a 28-gauge) . . .


I like your thinkin!. Particularly the 28!

She does cook..... and clean, but draws the line on cleaning guns and birds.

She used to hunt and fish before the daughter was born. Now that shes married off, she says shes gonna start fishing again.... alot. Im thinking that deep down, she wants the new boat, but I'm really alright with that.

Did I mention that she also bought me a Beretta 686 20? She even worked the salesman over pretty god!
redddog, you have a winner . . . cherish that. Me on the other hand, got "traded-in on a younger model." Now 12-years-later, he's out-of-work, they have financial woes, I have recovered from heartache & the initial financial strife, I have a thriving gun collection, hunt, fish, go where I want & when I want, and my bird-dog has free run of the house . . . my "furry child," as it were. I'll try my best to endure this burden. Life is where it should be & I'm content. But YOU are indeed fortunate, my friend. Safeguard that.

mine is suggesting that we move closer to where there are longer seasons for more variety.....she said she notices how much happier I am when there is some hunting of some kind going on......I love that she is that attentive to what makes me happy:):
You two realize that you are absolutely RUINING all of the best advantages of being a bachelor, don't you? You both should be ashamed (Note: Apologies will ONLY be accepted in the form of 28 or 20 gauge shotgun ammunition, non-tox prefered . . . boot and clothing offerings are negotiable, dependant on need & desire-to-own, as is pick-of-the-litter.).

Signed: Old, Cranky, Single Bastriches Everywhere (but, we're independant-as-hell and are obviously pretty-good shots since we get out more . . . 'cuz we get out ALL the time!)
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redog, I hate to break this news to you, but there's another man... And if I were you, I'd run out and buy that guy a "Thank You" card ASAP! :thumbsup:

I'm lucky enough to have a wife that understands my addiction as well... I'm a lucky man as are you!
Husker, I didn't think I had an addiction. But she keeps feeding it. Gonna fish tomorrow morning and hunt the afternoon. I'm in Pukwana having a cocktail and a pizza. Life is Good!
Anyone who believes that hunting Pheasants isn't an addiction needs serious counselling. Just look in my gun vaults, gear closet, dog/dog-training equipment stash, or at my dogs & vehicles over the years if you're a non-believer. I'm thankful for the addiction . . . and then there's the fly fishing disease (but that's a different forum) . . . fortunately, I was vaccinated for golf when I was younger or I'd be completely
broke . . .
Got on the water today about 830. didnt wet a line till tenish. Second cast, caught my first walleye. Quit at 1pm with 8 caught.

Let the pup out in a WIA about 2, and completely whiffed on a covey/flock of prairie chickens that got up about 20 yds away from where Breez was pointing. I just stood there.... dumbfounded.

Let the meat hound out, and promptly shot one rooster in another WIA.

Seen a few more with the pup in the next WI , but it just didnt work out.

I think Im training the pup tomorrow..... Boat manners.. Should be fun.

I think Im tired of chasing roosters..:(
redog, I hate to break this news to you, but there's another man... And if I were you, I'd run out and buy that guy a "Thank You" card ASAP! :thumbsup:

:laugh: thats funny :10sign: