what kind of sog should I get?


New member
what kind of dog should I get?

i live in nd and the dog would have to be outside. i would be hunting mainly pheasants and grouse. i have hunted behind labs and shorthairs. the dog would be around kids also thinking of a lab or gsp or vizsla or gwp. cant decide what do you think?
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For grouse and good on pheasants and quail look for a cover dog, the English Setter! Google "Grouse ridge setters" or cover dog Setters for links to breeders and info. They are hardy enough to be kenneled outside if you provide good insulated house, bedding etc.
I've had a couple of wirehairs and just starting on my third and the fourth one in mid march i loved the drive and nose that they had and were very loyal and real good around the kids, also didn't have to worry about stuff getting caught in their coats like my dad's britt's.Don't really have extreme cold weather down here in Oklahoma like you do, but i've hunted mine in some pretty cold days and I was always ready to go to the truck before my dogs were. I'll never have anything but a gwp love 'em, good luck deciding but like everyone on here says love 'em up and spend alot of time with them.
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Being in ND either the GSP or the Vizsla will have to have a warm place to live. The lab will too but it can take much colder weather than the other two. I would make sure that whichever dog you end up with to go ahead and spend a little more money and get a K9 condo with the optional heating pad for the floor. The houses are the best on the market. They will keep your dog warm no matter the weather outside.

If it were me and I was only hunting upland I would get the dog that specializes in upland hunting and that would be either the GSP or Vizsla. Labs are good at upland too but there is just nothing like watching a specialist at work. I know that comment will draw some attention lol. I am a lab owner and hunt almost exclusively with them because I am a waterfowler at heart. But, when I go to the uplands I like to see a dog that was bred to do what they do doing it. I like seeing a pointing dog out covering some ground and a Lab sitting next to me in the duck blind muddy and wet.
"Labs are good at upland too but there is just nothing like watching a specialist at work" :eek::eek::eek::eek:

LOL Duckn66, you're lucky you're a lab owner, or I was about to LOSE it! haha, JK.

I'm a lab guy, hunt upland and waterfowl. I consider my flushing lab a "specialist" at pheasant - certainly recommend the breed for pheasant. However, I find flushers to be more trouble than they're worth (except for the retreive) when it comes to grouse in Nova Scotia. Our woods are mostly coniferous and THICK, so with a flusher your HEAR lots of grouse, but I generally get more shots and more harvests hunting without her. I still take her grouse hunting because I just plain like it and like her to have fun, but if I was hungry, I'd go alone.

Can't go wrong with a lab around kids and they're probably the most cold-hardy of the bunch you listed.

So, from a totally biased lab-owner point of view:
Lab pros - great with kids, cold-hardy (but take precautions listed by others), great on pheasants.
Lab cons - IMO and in my local cover, not good for grouse

Ha Ha Crockett. Ya I love my labs. :thumbsup: But I really like to see a pointing dog at work in the uplands.