What I wouldn't give to......

be out bird hunting in this snow right now. The flakes are huge...as big as I've ever seen. Accumulation isn't likely, but the scenting conditions would be good to excellent and the birds would be sitting tight, probably in big bunches. If anyone is out hunting in KS during this snow, please let us know how it was when you return. Send me a pm if that makes you feel better. Someone, somewhere in KS is experiencing a fine hunt right now I'm sure:thumbsup:
Well I took the day off today for a little bird hunting, but instead of hunting in snow, we hunted in rain. Was around McPherson and got a couple hours in before the rain came. Didn't see too many birds, but did manage to shoot two roosters before heading to the house.
I wont be able to head back until this weekend but i guess it could be worse, I could still live in TX and not have the oppurtunity to go out every weekend like i can here.

I tell my wife that the only reason i married her was because of all the hunting privlages I get. :) She really apperciates that!!!!
Tell me about it... looks like i'll be truckless for quite awhile. But I sure would love to be out there today.
We are leaving at 5:30 in the morning to head out west for a few days, heard about the snow, but it will be long gone by the time we get to it.
It was very windy this morning and some moisture in the air. About 9AM it started snowing, then turned to a cold rain. It has stopped now and is a balmy 35 degrees.