I'm doing a self survey on pheasant hunting in Colorado counties. Just want to know what counties have you hunted this 2011 season and what was your success? Plus was your hunts on private or walk-in? Thanks
I have hunted one day in Sedgewick County, one in Phillips and one day in Yuma County this season. I am heading back Yuma area tomorrow. I have not seen that many birds this season so far. That likely has more to do with my skills than lack of birds. Other guys have done ok according to the reports on this board. All of our fields except for one were WIA. We had a chance encounter with a local landowner at lunch one day. He took an interest in my buddies young daughter and offered access to a area.
found good birds #s in Phillips, Yuma, kit carson, and Sedgwick.. so far the vote goes to sedgwick.. but kit carson is close to home and holds enough birds with a few less people to boot! The cover isn't as a good, but after dec, I look forward to hitting the spots that have solid cover for them!
I have only hunted Kit Carson...live in Falcon so 2 hours of driving is enough. I have found good bird numbers. Having said that, I found some incredible bird numbers on a few WIA's in southeast Colorado last year. Have not had the opportunity to make it down there yet this year but I will hit some of the same spots.