What a difference a day makes

Just got back from a trip to SW Minnesota. Hunted two days. The first day, we walked all day long and did not see one bird, very frustrating. The second day, we had our limit by noon. Two guys and one dog, makes for some tough hunting with all the standing crops, but a day walking with the dog is a great day regardless of the outcome.
Congrats! Way not to give up.:10sign:
Congrats, happy to hear you had some luck finally......Bob
My son lives in Minneapolis. I live in Michigan. What is the general feeling about hunting SW MN? I have been hunting ND the last 4 yrs and really like it there. Long way to go though. I have been to Nebraska and Iowa.

I hunted SW MN a couple years ago, invited there by a friend to hunt with his in-laws. While not South Dakota, we saw plenty of birds. Where there was cover, there was birds. We could have done much better, but for the party being made up of inexperienced hunters who didn't understand hunting tactics, bird behavior, etc., and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. However, a good time was had by all and I wouldn't agree with the post above that you shouldn't go there.
I was down that direction on the MN opener and also the weekend after.

Saw plenty of birds on the second weekend. Just too far out to get a decent shot. There was still lots of corn up too.
There are plenty of birds in SW Minnesota, but it can be pretty spotty. You can drive miles and miles and see nothing but centerline to centerline ag. But then there are places where you'll find areas with just as much habitat as SD, albeit in smaller parcels, but man are those areas hunted hard. For as generally poor as Minnesota pheasant hunting has been since the 1960's (last 5 years excepted), there are still an astounding number of people hunting pheasants.