Weather channel gone wild

Why name winter Storms? They suck it's that simple. Winter storm Q:eek: I bet it took days for them to think of that. Why don't you ding dongs think about getting the weather right once:thumbsup: And the 4/10 chance of a tornado some where:confused: I think they need to call 1 800 bets off:D It's been downhill for the weather channel ever since they got busted for their lunchtime gone wild parties. Give me weather not drama weather.
Just had to vent guys. Sorry:)
Love the 4/10 chance of a tornado--at what point do I get worried 3-4-5-6-7/10 and do they ever go to 10/10 ( oh c---) I'm dead. :rolleyes:

Having worked for 40+ yrs where the standard was 99.3% accuracy it must be nice to be right 29% of the time and be an expert.:p
NBC bought the Weather Channel in 2008, that just about says it all for me. The focus is on having "North Dallas Beautiful People" on the air rather than the best meteorologists, not that there is anything wrong with "beautiful people". I used to have the Weather Channel set as my home page but no longer, too many gimmicks and stunts just to boost ratings for my taste.
capt coot should be a weather person. if he's wet its raining. if the few hairs on top of his head are messed up its windy. if he is trying to think you will hear thunder. if it stinks outside it's coot talking crap again:cheers:
Why name winter Storms? They suck it's that simple. Winter storm Q:eek: I bet it took days for them to think of that. Why don't you ding dongs think about getting the weather right once:thumbsup: And the 4/10 chance of a tornado some where:confused: I think they need to call 1 800 bets off:D It's been downhill for the weather channel ever since they got busted for their lunchtime gone wild parties. Give me weather not drama weather.
Just had to vent guys. Sorry:)

your just pissed that the next storm might be named after you. it will probably fizzel out and be a dud just like you:cheers:
Why name winter Storms? They suck it's that simple. Winter storm Q:eek: I bet it took days for them to think of that. Why don't you ding dongs think about getting the weather right once:thumbsup: And the 4/10 chance of a tornado some where:confused: I think they need to call 1 800 bets off:D It's been downhill for the weather channel ever since they got busted for their lunchtime gone wild parties. Give me weather not drama weather.
Just had to vent guys. Sorry:)

I watch the weather closer than most this time of year and they've been pretty much spot on this year.

As far as the naming of storms. It's just a way for them to make up more drama and make some extra coin.
schools nearby let out at 1 pm today due to Q. factorys cancelling 3 rd shift. ALL school activitys cancelled. winter storm warning was announced yesterday to start at 6 pm tonight. the KC's even cancelled BINGO tonight!!!!!! we are all ready for the evil Q. wind is now 9 mph sun was trying to come out a while ago. not a single snowflake yet!!!!! where can the evil Q be. did Capt Coot send his legions of cooties to stop the evil Q?? inquiring minds want to know.:cheers: