Walk-in Maps on your GPS... in the works.


New member
I sent an Email to KDWP in regards to my other post, wondering if there was a download that was available for Walk-in areas for your GPS.

I got an Email back from Jake George the Private Land Coordinator for KWDP

"We are in the process of creating a file for download to Garmin GPS units. It will be available this year, but will likely not be ready by Sept. 1st. It will be posted as soon as possible at the link below. Future years will provide files for different GPS brands. Feel free to contact me directly with any further questions."


Jake George
Private Lands Coordinator
Kansas Wildlife & Parks
512 SE 25th Ave.
Pratt, KS 67124

620-672-5911 ext.160

Seems this might be they guy to answer alot of our Walk-in question as well... so I figured I'd put his contact info on here as well.
How about an iPhone app!?!?!?!

iphone app would be great, as long as the points are preloaded instead of having to search each time you opened it. Most places with great hunting is usually out of 3g coverage. But great idea! I would even pay for the app
Finding the WIHA spots isn't my issue, its me always worrying that I have wandered off of them by accident and therefore trespassing. This isn't so much of an issue in Kansas as the areas are really well marked, but on a Wyoming antelope hunt I was constantly worrying that I'd missed a fenceline or other marker and would have a mad rancher chasing me down. Luckily all was good and I don't think I ever tresspassed, but it made me uneasy not knowing for sure.
over the years i have never needed anything other than the Kansas walk-in maps and the rest is clearly posted by kdwp......they do a hell of a job, shouldn't ever get off their ground, signs are well displayed.