turning RAMBO?

I was watching some stupid show that was saying how kids should not be around guns because it's bad for them:eek: Empowers them they said:confused: I'm thinking I was around guns when I was knee high to a grasshopper:D I turned out kinda ok:) So I was wondering at what age did you guys and gals start using guns? Wonder if the people that made this stupid show ever did a study on drugs and how they effect kids.
One more question for the guys that have legalize pot in you states have you noticed a difference in crime or peoples behavior?
Violent crime is down 5.8% Millions in Taxes raised for schools and other things.

BB gun when I was 6

22 when I was 8

shotgun at 11

Violent Video games are a lot worse for our youth.
Born & raised around guns as were my kids. Pretty much the same as far as introduction to shooting:
BB gun at 5 or 6
.22 at 8
Shooting on a smallbore rifle team at 10
First deer, elk & birds at 10
Never owned my own shotgun until I could afford one at 16, but used Dad's & my Uncle's.

Over the ensuing years, NONE of my firearms have jumped out of the vault and injured anyone. Back in the day, kids had chores, were raised to be respectful to others; played outside & weren't glued to TVs, cell phones, video games; went to church & said their prayers; were taught responsibility; started on sports teams because they applied themselves & were good enough; and definitely weren't mollycoddled. Times have changed, and not for the better in many ways in my humble opinion.
Been around guns my whole life. BB at 5 22 at 7 and 410 break open single shot at 10. Ditto to what koja said we had chores and played outside. :)
Back in the day mom was at home and dad could work a 9 to 5 job and support a wife and two kids. I was a latch key kid but did have most of my younger years spending after school and summers with my grand parents until my parents could get off work. I could not imagine letting my daughter do the things I did at a young age. Just simple things like camping on our own or riding our bikes to the lake to swim or fish at 8 years of age. Grandma and Grandpa didn't know any better because that's the way they raised my dad. Way too many weirdo's out there now kid knapping and doing awful things to people for me to let my child have much freedom. I think that is part of whats wrong with young people these days is the lack of freedom they get, problem is they are too young to see all the dangers these days.

Video games and fast food have killed our youth but when mom and dad have to work over 40 hours a week to make ends meat who has time to cook meals or read books to the kids let alone ask them how their day went. Its not like it used to be and never will be. I have made some changes in my life recently to try and be the best dad I can. I figure if I can do just a bit better than my grand parents and parents did then she will end up just fine. Grandpa had me shooting the BB gun at 7 while grandma pulled moving targets for us with a string along the clothes line. He had a stroke and had to shoot left handed but loved getting me started. When I was 8 he died so he never got to see me get into hunting but I know he's watching. I cherish the Winchesters that have went through his hands into my dads and now into mine. Some day I hope to see my daughter or grand children shoot the same guns
I was around guns when I was knee high to a grasshopper:D I turned out kinda ok:)

That sounds about right for me too. As I got a little older, I had our hunting guns in my bedroom. My dad entrusted me to keep them clean/oiled and I appreciated that. I like to think I did a great job at that too;).

As a young boy it was a big responsibility to be "keeper" of the guns. Safety was always #1. Those guns were no joke. To this day, they're no joke.

So no, having guns as a young boy didn't mess me up. I'd say they had an opposite effect.:)
the crime is not driven by pot. our crime here in Washington is a tonload of meth addicts stealing anything and everything to sell for a few bucks for some tweak or a mountain dew. pots been so readily available for so long that it might as well be legal for of age people, and for those that think that more kids will be able to access it...well you should have seen my high school 30 yrs ago...it was like a friggin drug store...whatever you wanted you got. the only down time was summer vacation when you actually had to look for the dope. I started shooting at about 7. first 20 guage for my 14th BD and still have and use it. I think parenting skills or lack of are a major problem for both drugs and guns.
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. . . in Washington is a tonload of meth addicts stealing anything and everything . . .

Not as bad on the east side of the state, at least in my area but this is exactly why I quit travelling to the west side of the state to fish. You can almost plan on coming back to a vehicle with a broken window & a ransacked rig. Sad state of affairs . . . so now the powers that be legalize pot, when instead they should have instituted the death penalty for those selling the stuff. I will admit that I don't go anywhere unarmed on the east side of the state; you never know when you might stumble into a grow operation in the east side forests & fields.