Today's Hunt Sept 29th 2011


New member
Beautiful Fall Day in Southern Saskatchewan. :)
Went for a great long walk with the young lab. :10sign:
Three decent sized coveys of Huns. :thumbsup:
Tall Cover and tree stands.....can you believe it...all three rises were on the other side of the bush. :eek:
Put out two really nice 4X4 Whitetail Bucks. :)
Man do I LOVE this time of the year. :D
Sounds like a great day. I'm a bit jealous at the moment:)
Thanks Guys

As amazing as the day was and even through I didn't get any rises up in front.
The most amazing part was watching the pup actually quartering in the cover and then when he made scent....actually listening to me and not heading off into the next county.

The next best, was actually seeing ( or should I say HEARING) what sounded like 7-10 bird coveys flushing on the other side of the trees.
Good to hear that you found birds. This is the best time of the year isn't it.
Getting caught up on my work:confused: anxious to have a few days of nothing to do but hike the grasslands.:thumbsup: