This Forum Evolves


Well-known member
I've noticed over recent months that some of our new members are women who hunt. We've had a few women post in the past, but then it seems they disappear. I wonder if they are turned off by some of the more "colorful" terms and remarks that pop up in our posts. I am the first to plead "Guilty, Your Honor" when it comes to that. I for one am trying to clean up my language. In fact, after a new woman hunter member began to post I went back to some of my old posts and tried to edit out some of the "guy talk." This forum has evolved in other ways, too. Posters have learned the negatives of expressing, for example, provocative political opinions (in a pheasant hunting forum!) and rudely putting down other posters. Some agents provocateur have simply been kicked out after repeatedly goading others. I think we can evolve so unnecessary guy talk doesn't drive new members away and it will make for an even better forum. I for one am delighted that women hunters are here and hope they stay.
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I've noticed over recent months that some of our new members are women who hunt. We've had a few women post in the past, but then it seems they disappear. I wonder if they are turned off by some of the more "colorful" terms and remarks that pop up in our posts. I am the first to plead "Guilty, Your Honor" when it comes to that. I for one am trying to clean up my language. In fact, after a new woman hunter member began to post I went back to some of my old posts and tried to edit out some of the "guy talk." This forum has evolved in other ways, too. Posters have learned the negatives of expressing, for example, provocative political opinions (in a pheasant hunting forum!) and rudely putting down other posters. Some agents provocateur have simply been kicked out after repeatedly goading others. I think we can evolve so unnecessary guy talk doesn't drive new members away and it will make for an even better forum. I for one and delighted that women hunters are here and I hope they stay.

+1 We all need to remember to keep this about the sport and our love of the outdoors.
We have 7 new members today, two are ladies.
They are certainly welcome on UPH. We hope they post often. :thumbsup:
That Kiwi girl didn't seem to have a problem with any of us.

Morrismike, I am so pleased I found this matter what we do, who we are, what breed of dogs we have, whether we own a great big flash truck or a beatup old one, own a brace of Purdey or a $400 banger, we have a common passion for one of the worlds most finest birds...which is in a global sense very very :cool: to me.

And I thank you Guys for your attitude to Girl Guns on is truly refreshing and neat to part of this forum.
with that being said if everyone doesnt mind i would like to set up a few personal interviews to check out if certain criteria is met on the forum:)
Glad at least one "Girl Gun" - love that term - is happy to be here. Thanks to all for your good-humored and hospitable posts here.