The Unexpected

IOWA Hunting

New member
your out hunting, and your walking, and all of the sudden! your heart starts pounding and your adrenaline is rushing, that moment, whatever gave you that moment.

what is your story?

It was the beginning of my hunt that day. driving along i saw some, what looked like to me good hunting area, pulled in this one spot that could only fit my vehicle. was a calm snowy day, the evergreens that were over this hill were glistering to me. got up over the hill to see what my game plan would be. the evergreens and trees that i saw that i wanted to hunt were perfectly lined up and formed a large half circle enough i could walk by and spook what was near or in them. so i walk down and around and all of the sudden in my peripheral vision and the sound to my ears was a rooster that i spooked out, the first rooster of the year to me. my heart pumping hands shaking.