The Price of Poaching


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Ran into the game warden who did the undercover investigation that lead to the conviction of seven mostly Kansas men, some from Graham County, for possession of way in excess of mourning dove limits. The investigation stretched over several seasons. All seven pleaded guilty to various charges in federal court in violation of the federal migratory bird act. The fines among them totaled $44,000.00, and there were other punishments as well.
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"over several seasons" eh? So, not an episode, but a way of life.

Good. Be nice to see this information get wide distribution, might change some behaviors.

There's some folks...I just don't understand. I've been told of a local family not far from here that has a tradition of riding fields at night during deer season, with beer and loaded rifles, some guys in the bed of the truck and others with spotlights.

They get busted when ever the DNR can nail them, and sure-as-heck, next season...they're doing it again.

I dont get that kind of behavior. I hope they get busted and life behind bars with bubba. lol
I dont get that kind of behavior. I hope they get busted and life behind bars with bubba. lol
"over several seasons" eh? So, not an episode, but a way of life.

Correct. At least one of them was also busted a few years back for flushing pheasants with a pickup and shooting at them while still in the pickup.