Thank you, WIHA subscribers


New member
I have no idea how many landowners who enroll their acreage in the WIHA program are hunters themselves, or who read this webpage if they are landowner/hunters. But I just wanted to say "Thank you!" to all you folks who offer land for hunting in this fine program. It is so nice having places where you know ahead of time you can just drive out there and go hunting and everything's cool.

Thank you to everyone involved!
Close Range,

Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Doubt if there is a place or a forum to thank any of the landowners personally. You could always thank the KDWPT and Governor for administering the program just to let them know you appreciate it. Much of the land that I personally know in the WHIA is owned by retired or out of the area owners that don't hunt and see the payments as monies to help pay the real estate taxes on the property. Whatever ever reason the landowner has put the land in WHIA, I am glad they did.
Yes, thank you landowners who enroll your acres in the WIHA program. With one million acres enrolled, it is massive down payment on a bright hunting future for Kansas. :D
The WIHA program is second only to the CRP program and I am so thankful to everyone involved with both programs, both land owners and government agencies. I only put the WIHA behind the CRP because, as we have seen in states where the CRP has disappeared, without it and all its benefits the bird numbers are severly diminished. I wish all states would adopt programs like WIHA. The benifits to land owners and hunters are fantastic but it is also a great situation for the economy of Kansas business owners with hotels,restaurants, ect.
Thank you very,very,very much to everyone involed