Ted Nugent Great for Hunters - Not!


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Yesterday rocker, TV hunter, and National Rifle Association board member and spokesperson Ted Nugent pleaded guilty to illegally killing and transporting a bear in Alaska. He was fined $10,000, placed on probation for 2 years, and banned for a year from hunting and fishing on all U.S. Forest Service lands and anywhere in Alaska. Hunting during a one bear limit season, Nugent wounded a bear with an arrow and then shot, killed, and took possession of another bear. This was Nugent's second conviction for violating hunting laws. California in 2010 revoked his deer hunting license after he was convicted of deer-baiting and a tag violation. This conviction exposed Nugent to banishment from hunting in up to 34 other states that are signatory to the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.
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Yep he does us all a favor everytime he goes afield--not. He is just a bit to FAR RIGHT for me. I went to a concert of his in Rapid City SD durning the Sturgis Bike Rally 4 or 5 yrs ago, to much Far Right political crap and not enough music and his TV show is over the top.

Help like his we don't need :(