Taxidermist Squeeze


New member
Captaincoot got me to thinking about what he posted in another thread.

As a commercial bird producer--requests often came from taxidermists to dispatch birds without ruffling feathers or appearance damage.

We always used the "taxidermist squeeze" to dispatch birds and I use it in the field when hunting. Place one hand on the back of the bird and slide your hand up towards the head until your thumb and first finger reach the point where the wings meet the back. You firmly squeeze the thumb and first finger towards each other and hold. You are crushing the lungs.

The bird will close its eyes, stretch out in the body and flap it's wings for 10 to 15 times. Hold the bird away from your body and face as the wind flaps are vigorous. When the bird is done flapping and his heads drops downward you may release your grip and place in the game bag.

I have always used this technique and it is the humane, quick and clean way to dispatch the bird--hey we owe them that don't we?:)
I use the same method when snuffing birds for taxidermy, but man O' man do my hands cramp up after doing 20 birds or so:eek: lol

To kill a bird get a needle from your local farm store ...about a 14ga. Inject a cc or two of rubbing alcohol into the back on their head. I've killed dozens of birds this way for hunt test.It's almost instant for them. Very humane.
To kill a bird get a needle from your local farm store ...about a 14ga. Inject a cc or two of rubbing alcohol into the back on their head. I've killed dozens of birds this way for hunt test.It's almost instant for them. Very humane.

Huh! You know, I purchased some roosters a few years back for taxidermy. When I was fleshing those birds out I noticed they had a small mark at the base of their head. I'm guessing this is how they were killed.

I'm going to give this one a try. Like I said, the "squeeze" is killer on my hands after 20 or so are snuffed out:eek:

Thanks for the tip Dedbrd:).

I'm trying this for the third time. not for sure why it's not posting. I don't have to worry I kill all mine dead:D Nice thread KB:thumbsup: