Sunday Tailfeather Chasin


Hit the road with Scrapwood at "o-dark-thirty", and made it to the first spot right at sunrise...COLD, FOGGY, SLEETY, WINDY, UGLY day from start to finish. ...but what can you say? ...It just doesn't get any better than another glorious day in paradise running around the fields with to hard wired labs! :cheers:

Freakishly enough, we jumped a few birds here and there, with a good mix of longtails and hens, but the only bird that made the trip home was one Kiwi bagged single-handedly! :D...she had just about stepped on it, did a quick u-turn just as it was flushing, and she nabbed it right as it jumped! Never got a shot off and have nice rooster show for it.

Very nice tail on this one! ...good job Kiwidimok!

And thanks again Mike for the fun day, lets do it again soon!

p.s...topped wheat stubble was the trick today! We definately should have had a few more birds to clean, but the owners of the two dogs needs to keep up their end of the bargain! :rolleyes: ...maybe that is why Kiwi just did it on her own! ;)
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