Summer review

What a summer rain, rain and more rain. Pasture been under water all but four days this year. Got to use my duck boat to fix the fence. My cows have turned into hippos and have no respect for the fence:mad: I moved the electric up another foot that should teach them to have respect for the fences. If the water goes that high I'm building an ark:D Had a cow killed by lightning thats a nice thing to see in the morning:) Hailed the other day soybeans looking alittle rough:( Oh and I seen a hen pheasant grand total of one chick:thumbsup: Looks like the duck and goose hunting will be good. Hope you guys don't kick me off here if I don't pheasant hunt:D
Been alittle slow on here guys what you been doing all summer thats stopping you from posting? Hope it's not work.

Yes it's been a little slow at uph.

Sorry about the cow downed by the lighting, not a pretty sight I'm shure.

work would be a good thing, as mine has been none for six or seven months.

good thing i have saved money for a rainy day/month/ year.:cheers:
Our last significant rain was on the 27th. We could use a good soaker on the pastures and dryland crops. All irrigation systems are going almost non stop.
Just finishing up the grass hay then it's to the oats.
Cattle are doing fine with all the stock piled pasture from the wet Spring.
Been working on mowers,weed eaters and a tractor for 6 weeks. The rear end went out on 1 riding mower,wiring went bad on another rider, had to do valve work and replace on 1 push mower, put bearings in another push mower, carb. work on 1 weedeater,valve work on another weedeater,and rewire a tractor besides valve work and carb work on it. And in between times trying to keep up on mowing with a borrowed mower and training my gsp.
i have been totally wasting my time tring to line up an aftrernoon of golf with capt cootie. he always chickens out. i think i would have better luck trying to find bigfoot and golfing with him. i hear bigfoot can really hit the ball straight and can always find the balls he hits into the woods:D