
Lets hear some funny hunting stories!

I was working my dog late one afternoon prepping for a two day hunting trip...and as luck would have it...she got sprayed by a skunk....5 minutes before I was putting her in the truck. Spent three hours in the tub with tomato juice. Next day...drove three hours...hunted a room...left one dog in the truck...hunted hard ...found several birds...had my limit...walking to truck to leave and drive three hours other dog was a pointer...I lost him for a bit...saw him on point with a big yellow spot on his side. Yes..a skunk got him and he still could smell birds. LONG drive home...I dont know if that is funny or not...but I thought I would share.
Haha - speaking of stinky dogs, I was setting up decoys in the Bay of Fundy a few years ago and the dog was off running around burning off some puppy energy. I was out there in the pitch dark and when I got back to the blind I whistled her in. Heard her coming pounding along the shore. Then I smelled her......... Horrible. I checked her out wiht my headlamp and she had a big smear of dark grease along her ears/neck/shoulders, like they do when they roll in something gross. When the sun came up and the first flights were over I saw what she had rolled in - a dead harbour porpoise that had washed up a hundred yards from the blind. It was rotted all to hell and the smell of putrid flesh and blubber took 4 bathes before the wife proclaimed the dog fit to re-enter the house! GROSS!

Another funny hunting story happened on a last-day duck hunt wiht the same dog. It was -5F and we were hunting the only open spot on the river, absolutely freezing our arses off. SOme ducks flew past us and I fumbled my call with frozen fingers to turn them and blew a hard comeback into a frozen call. Of course, there was no call at all but the enthiastic blow came out my nose, along wiht a big bubble of snot! NOW who's gross says the dog! My buddy laughed his ass off, but the birds turned and we shot two. Ruby made the first retreive and the second one was drifting along in this open spot of river. I wanted her to hurry to make the second retrieve safety (before it drifted close to the edge of the ice) so I ran down the shore and cast her stright to it. I cast her with such a vigorous arm motion that I slipped on the frozen shore and landed on the back of my neck. The dog was off for the retrieve by my buddy had his second big laugh in as many minutes! Worst part of it was that when I landed I landed ON the first duck, which was tucked under my arm. It was "tenderized"...

Last one - I was hunting the last light in the Bay of Fundy mud flats when some black ducks went by. We already had our limit of blacks so I didn't shoot. The dog was leaning forward off the bank so far that she fell off wiht a SPLAT, face first into the mud. When she came up with a totally innocent look on her half-mudded face I nearly peed in my waders. Check it out...

Hunting Stories

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