stay in touch wiht your old buddies!


New member
So I ahven't talked with an old hunting buddy for a over a year or 2. After our great self guided Pez hunt in SD, I decide to give hima call and invite him to next year's trip. I have moved since the lst time we talked. It turns out he was 15 minutes from the house, en-route to his own SD trip just a week ahead of us! They had exclusive access to 100's of acres of private land near Miller. Arrrrggghhh!!!:mad:
We could hookled up, over lapped, changed dates anything to hunt together for a few days. He was in IN from AK on the way to SD. Unbelievably frustrating!
The lesson learned is don't let those old friendship simmer on the back burner. You never know what oppurtunity might pass you by.
We've already made plans for next year.