stainless steel vs. aluminum prop?

our lake has rock. i always worry i will damage lower unit with ss prop if i hit a rock. our lake has been dredged and we are still learning all the new obsticals.
i suppose i should tell how the day went. wanted to go musky fishing. friend couldn't make it. before i could call anyone else my better half say's i'll go with you. i didn't dare say no. so we go fishing. she is always on my case asking to help out putting the boat in the water. lately i have been letting her help. her dad use to tell me to never let her drive your nice truck. she is VERY accident prone. today i let her finish backing the boat in water. i had it all lined up. she did a great job . boats in water, truck and trailer is in a straight line, i'm still dry and the dog didn't get run over. so i asked her to park the truck and trailer while i get tackle ready. what could possibly go wrong. i'm getting tackle ready and then i hear a big crunch and the people on the dock say oooh that don't look good. she decided to pull up along side a new ford 250 superduty with a new boat trailer hooked to it.. OH CRAP:eek: my boat trailer is partially under thier trailer.:confused: she cut corner too tight. she doesn't use mirrors either.:( at least she didnt hit his truck. i walk up shake my head and asked her how the hell did you manage that!!!!!!!! BIG MISTAKE. did i mention she had a hangover and it was the wrong time of month to have any chance at all of winning an arguement. she say's this would of never happened if YOU hadn't let me drive:eek: you should of told me where to park. i reply if i had told you how to park your reply would of been i'm a big girl i know what i'm doing. see i have no chance of winning this. we leave a note on truck to call us about repairs. we then start to fish. i decided to send her to fleet farm to get a new set of taillights for thier trailer. we lucked out all she broke was a tail light. my trailer needs a new fender and light. she gets back same time they get off the water. they weren't too upset i had tools to put new light on and we gave them a gift card to fleet farm also.. then we had a good laugh about it. while she was getting the new lights. i went wishing and wasn't paying attention to the reef. now i need a new prop. we did fish the rest of afternoon. we are not mad at each other either. when i got home i went to put the boat away and backed into garage with 6 rods in the upright rod holder. they all hit the top of door frame. at least i heard them and stopped in time before i broke them. what a day. i should put boat away for the winter.
With a Stainless Prop, yes, you hit a rock and you will take out a lower unit. They are to ridged no give to them at all. I had a 150HP that came with one on as standard for better speed. After the first repair bill it was bye bye. I only lost 2 MPH with Alum. You can buy a lot of the Alum Props for what a lower unit will cost........Bob
You lead a very full life BlackCloud. :D

That was a smart move to have parts in hand when the other guy got off the water. How could anyone be sore. :cheers:
I just had my lower unit replaced.....not b/c of an accident that damaged the prop, but for other reasons. All I can say is that it was so expensive I picked up an aluminum prop on my way out of the shop's store. I'm not taking any chances. Besides, the aluminum prop is lighter and I want all the speed I can get. SS props are good anchors IMO.