So how do you gameplan for a 3 day trip??


New member
What I do is take plenty of bottled water, gatorade and few sodas for drinkage (the beer stays cold until I get back to the motel, no DUI for me).

I also pack plenty of snacks, lunchmeat, bread, mustard, miracle whip (not that mayo crap), fruit, heartburn medicine, tylenol, motrin, big ole water cooler for the dogs, freezer bags, trash bags, small plastic bags.

heck, I pack for every kind of weather regardless of the forecast. I am to darn far to go back home and get it and it is to expensive to buy unless it is an emergency.

I take all of dog stuff, (first aid kit, all that stuff)....a ac/dc converter for the truck to plug collar and stuff in.

Things i have done for my upcoming trip.
1.Ordered 2010 wiha atlas
2.updated my gps to all my favorite wihas
3.Bought a ham for the gentleman ,who has some private land access.
4.Bought can dog food ,helps tired dogs eat better.Also got there nutty bars to.
5.Bought my license online.
6.Packed hunting gear in tub w/shells,rain gear,extra batteries for beeper collars etc.
7.Scrolled this message board 1000 x ,last couple of months .I have two days left,which hours seem like days.