As a Michigander, I can relater to you guys. It has been real sad to hear and see what you guys are going through. My fear is that Iowa will become the next Michigan, in terms of pheasant.
As much as I like to rail against the DNR here in MI, I really can't hold them responsible for this one. The pheasant (at least here) is largly a private land bird. Corn subsidies and modern farming practices have teamed up for the demise. It seems like more of a federal issue to me. I'm not sure what the DNR could do to affect it. Maybe I'm over simplifying it.
That said, where private land owners have taken an interest in the pheasant, a few can still be found. Problem is its private land. I applaud them for the preservation, but it does most of the rest of us little good.
I'm learning to like grouse hunting. Problem is I'm nearly 2 hours South of decent grouse numbers. Sure does make it tough on a bird dog and hunter...
For those of you with birds out your backdoor, enjoy and never ever take it for grantid.