scary stuff

the season is now just short of 2/3 over and it seems like most of you have done rather poorly for whatever those reason. mostly i have been affected by crop rotation and sparse cover. at the moment i am at 33 roosters or one about ever hour in the field, been hunting alone so i haven't had to share only 1 bird this year. what scares me the most while i have been seeing some hens is that only one of my birds was young. all other birds had really long sharp spurs and if you want to believe the science or myths, long spurs equal older birds and only one of mine were short. one flock of birds was about 35, two others were 8 or so, the rest were singles or doubles. god bless next year, maybe the recent snow bodes well for the spring but at the moment, winter wheat is barely up
Live in the moment for a while my friend. I didnt take a wild rooster all year. Youre at 33 you say....
I can honestly say the exact same thing. Although I havent counted how many Ive killed or my parties have killed Ive only seen 1-2 young roosters all year and all others have been long spured, long tailed, big bodied.
the season is now just short of 2/3 over and it seems like most of you have done rather poorly for whatever those reason. mostly i have been affected by crop rotation and sparse cover. at the moment i am at 33 roosters or one about ever hour in the field, been hunting alone so i haven't had to share only 1 bird this year. what scares me the most while i have been seeing some hens is that only one of my birds was young. all other birds had really long sharp spurs and if you want to believe the science or myths, long spurs equal older birds and only one of mine were short. one flock of birds was about 35, two others were 8 or so, the rest were singles or doubles. god bless next year, maybe the recent snow bodes well for the spring but at the moment, winter wheat is barely up

Yeh, scary stuff. Hope I don't run accros certian scary stuff.
Kill counts aside, it is scary the size of some of the areas my friends and I have walked this year and seen nothing. Places we are accustomed to seeing birds, we have seen nothing. It IS scary.

We find small flocks here and there, but even those don't have the numbers you would expect to see. I wonder how long it will take some areas to rebound.:confused:

I know of one year (years ago) where an area was absolutely pummeled by a late Spring hailstorm. The hail was huge and brutal, piling up several inches deep on the ground. Afterward, they found dead birds and squirrels and rabbits... Anyway, the area was like a desert that Fall. We didn't manage to move a single bird in several sections, but went an hour North of there and did great. It took a couple years to recover.

I suspect it will take several years of good conditions to bring bird numbers back up in many areas. Just my .02