Russell / Natoma Area

GA Bird Hunter

New member
Next weekend (and the following week) we will be pheasant and quail hunting out of Natoma. Our group will consist of four guys. Does anyone have information on:

1) Farmers who allow hunting for a reasonable trespass fee? Or outfitters who offer reasonable unguided hunts?

2) Farmers or outfitters who offer prairie chicken hunts?

Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.

knock on some doors, pretty good chicken population north of Russell, most farmers could care less about chicken hunters, tough to find and shoot, ask around, there should be enough friendly folks to help way to shoot chickens is to pattern their flight path and set up and pass shoot them, they generally follow a pattern, flying over the same area daily, generally. you shouldn't have to pay for trespass, lots of walk in and permission can be obtained by just asking, not always, but you should get a yes at least 1 out of 4 requests.....have fun, you will have to walk a lot to shoot your pheasants.