Road Hunting


New member
I am going to South Dakota on Oct 31st for a few days of hunting. It looks like it will just be two of us and since I have been to SD before I am in charge. I have never done the road hunting thing. By road hunting are you just driving the roads till you see pheasants and then getting out and shooting, or are you parking the truck and running the dogs on the roadside cover? I know it sound like this may not be a very good option this year with all the water in the ditches, but I am just curious.
Road hunting 101, prefer do drive at a slower speed 30 mph or less. Usually let passenger do the shooting. If you can drive up to a stop where you see bird, passenger gets out, bird flushes, passenger shoots twice and misses and you get a good laugh. priceless!
What are the rules relating to roadhunting? Does the gun have to be in a case? I assume that shooting out the window is a no-no? What else?
Nobody said anything about hunting JUST the roads... however I do use the roads when going from one place to another and I'd like to know what the rules are for hunting along the way.
The best way to road hunt is to get out and walk the ditches. You wouldn't believe how many birds people drive by. Find a stretch of road that has good cover in the ditches and no buildings or livestock for 660 ft. Late afternoon works pretty good.
With all the corn and beans still unharvested this year, walking road ditches having good cover next to a corn field is probably going to produce better than walking good large cover in the public spots. At least until some corn gets harvested. This was confirmed by my buddy's experience earlier this week. Meanwhile I headed way west where there ain't no corn to speak of, and had a total hoot.
SDak- Your gun needs not be cased just no chambered shell enroute. Interstate no Road hunting. Lot of locals get most of their birds road hunting. Do not stop & foolishly jump out shooting at first sight. Drive by. You are no different than a harmless tractor to the birds while still moving. Mark Bird location. Crack door early & Stop aways down road. A. One guy gets out and usually takes position on opposite side of ditch. Return past birds and stop aways down where u came from. Do not slam door. Step A guy will begin to close then as will you. A good experienced dog will stay with you close or behind you as you close in on birds. A mello Golden Retriever is a damn good road dog- IF proerly trained. A dumb, untrained Bolter/Hyper one you leave in the car or pickup. Come across the road at marked spot ready for action. One helluva thrill when u get a double or even a triple from bunched up Dakota cocks in late Nov & Dec. Ed McGaa- SDak. By yourself? Pick the best direction (Cover) to come in on birds.