reverse shoulder surgery and shooting


New member
Scheduled for reverse shoulder surgery anyone with experience with this or information. Any help will be appreciated.
Have you had it done yet?

If not- don't. Do a year of PT and see where you're at.
Just my biased opinion after having my shoulder totally botched.

Seriously, there's tons of info on the web. IMHO the only thing that benefits from this surgery is the 'Doctors' bank account. YMMV

Don't be afraid of inconveniencing the docs schedule by putting it off. You're subject to a lot more inconvenience after the surgery.

Best of Luck.
Have had a shoulder resection done due to bone cancer - this done in 2002. The deltoid muscle was completely removed, hence I am only able to lift my arm about waist high.

I didn't like the alternative - spread of the cancer to other organs, namely the lungs.

I can still use a shotgun. I added two devices to help lift the gun - a handle behind the trigger guard and a front post on the forend. Your deltoid muscle would still be intact; I did review the procedure on U-Tube (Mayo Clinic). I don't see any cause for alarm, although I would suggest several opinions...

Good luck to you as you navigate through this process.