Recomendations for trainers near Ft. Drum?


New member
I have a young viszla that have worked with myself while she was a puppy and her first season was great. She took naturally to pointing, retrieving took a little work though but she became a solid hunter. However her second season was not as stellar, and I do blame myself for not devoting as much time to her off season training. I worked with her sporadically, but Army life got in the way a lot. Now I'm deployed until late summer to Afghanistan and unless I have my wife take her to a trainer she won't get any training at all before I return. So the meat and potatoes of it is, can anyone recommend a trainer that isn't more than a few hours from Ft. Drum? I'm doing online searches, but the internet can make anybody look good and I have heard horror stories about bad trainers.
Maurice Lindley is in South Carolina. May be a bit further then what you are wanting, but he is quite simply, the best.
Thanks for the input, yeah SC is a little out of reach. Do you mean the DVD's from Miller? Or is he actually in NY? I'm all for training her when I'm home, but work with a pro while I'm deployed is what I'm going for. My wife is taking her to a place not far from base right now. I'm hoping this is my last trip for a while so I can devote more time to training her. We'll see what happens after the Afghan elections...