Rattlesnake avoidance training


New member
Does anyone know where I can obtain rattlesnake avoidance training for my dog in western Montana?
Not sure about de-snaking classes in your area, but I would contact one of the local retriever clubs. They periodically offer such programs if you're in a high encounter area. Might I also suggest you may consider getting your dog vaccinated (need a vet) -- the vaccine won't protect your dog from getting bitten, but it will lessen the effects of the venom. Vaccine is made by Red Rock Biologics. Last thing I'd do is know the best closest vet to go to should the unfortunate happen while out in the field. Good luck.

P.S. I've been looking for the same thing in the PA/NJ area (Timber rattlesnakes & copperheads) but no one here really cares. I see them all over the place in the summer in PA - but during hunting season it's too cold.