Rating, review and recap of your '24-'25 Iowa season


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My season was a bit abbreviated dealing with family issues again this year. I got out on 14 hunts, harvested (brought home) 36 birds. Lost more in the jungle CRP than I will admit too. I hunted our CRP 13 of those hunts which likely resulted in the birds getting very jumpy the last few weeks of the season. We had even more birds that ever. 59 birds harvested there plus winged and injured, likely close to 80 roosters removed. I was in a couple of other places with others to fill limits or a change of scenery, but it seemed like there were good populations of birds everywhere locally where I hunt. Only one day did I not have the opportunity to limit, it was raining and the only thing I got that day was wet. That is a good number of birds for me, when I worked from home it was easy to cook them for lunch several times a week, now life is just too busy, I ground all of them this season for sausage, which I love. I will give this season an easy A.
23 hunts, 140ish miles walked, and 19 birds of which 2 were lost. Four of the birds were shot on private ground and the rest were on public in Central/N. Central Iowa.
I've had 2 private spots for a few years and recently gained a 3rd which is the 40 acres of CRP in Carroll County. Three of the birds came off that property. My other private spots are closer to home and did not produce well this season. I think there were too many other people hunting them and the birds got smart.
The dogs did great, both stayed healthy & uninjured through the season so that's always a win.
My younger son and I were able to get out a few times while he's been home on college break (win #2)
I was able to take a friend on his 1st ever pheasant hunt and he got a bird (win #3).
So far I've done better than last year by a couple of birds, but the 22/23 season was my best at 27 birds so that one earns an "A". I would give this season a solid "B".
My son and I are heading back to the Carroll area on Friday for the last hunt of the season. If things go well the teacher might raise the grade to an "A-" :)