Rainy Days won't keep me me in.

Luke and I took a friend and his lab down toward Marengo again today. Saw a few deer hunters, but we were the only ones out bird hunting. The first place we stopped at had a good sized patch of standing corn, but didn't hold anything. We headed down the road to another patch I've hunted before and seen birds, it's a big piece but is surrounded by picked corn field, a lot of area covered, we saw 6 roosters and 3 hens, we bagged two. Headed into town from there to have lunch. After that we tried a place I have driven by a number of times but never have hunted. We saw lots of signs, lots of droppings, feathers, beds and whatnot, but didn't see much for birds. Could have been the time of day. That area was pretty big too, in the whole thing we saw two hens. As we are getting back to the vehicle, Luke starts getting worked up and wants to go the other direction. I'm tired and completely soaked, and my feet are getting pretty raw from being wet. I let him track and I follow, not as quickly as I should have cause sure enough, mr. rooster takes flight. He'll be there for next time. So far I haven't been skunked in that area, but it takes a ton of walking. They run long and fast out there. Would have been nice if it was 15 degrees and snowing instead of 45 and raining.
would upload a pic, but it's saying it's too big. Sorry.
Sweet I also hunted today but in MN.
When it comes to the end of the season that is my favorite time to be out.