Questions about WIA in Colorado


New member
I see that the WIA's open up on September 1st. Can I go onto these properties with my dog to scout for pheasants? Do i have to carry a gun?

How are the rabbit populations on the Northeastern WIA's?
I hunted some rabbit last year before pheasant season in Brush without much luck. Saw a few jackrabbits out of distance and some pheasants pre-opener. If you hear anything let me know please as I would like to get some meat in the freezer before elk season. I live in Denver if you want to partner up some time and save fuel money.

If you guys are looking for another Colorado newbie to head out east hunting give me a shout. I have a couple of experienced dogs and look forward to finding a few places to hunt.
I am always interested in new people to go with as I am the only one in my groups of friends hunting pheasant currently. I went alone a few times last yer and partnered up with some others in the fields and from this forum. Feel free to message me and I will get you my contact info.
