Question for those who train dogs

My pup had previously gone for a 2 week intro to birds and guns course and has now returned for a 4 week intermediate course. I just got a call that he has to come home because the kennel has a bad case of kennel cough going through it. My question is this... He is 2 weeks into the 4 week course. Do I send him back for the final 2 weeks after the kennel is cleared or would it be a waste since the training has now been interrupted?
My feeling is no training is wasted training. I would try and get him back out somewhere soon. Which place did you take him too? I would really push the kennel to redo all for weeks over and only charge for the 2 weeks you have not paid for. I had my pup out at my trainer for the intro class (2 week) and had a problem during the second week. I had to go get the dog and the trainer returned all of my money. I since have gone back to that same trainer and have had some great success. I would highly recommend my trainer to anyone.
well, i guess it is just me, but i would be a little ticked that this guy did not require proof of vaccinations for all his boarded dogs, including a vaccination to prevent the spread of kennel cough, it should be a common standard..
well, i guess it is just me, but i would be a little ticked that this guy did not require proof of vaccinations for all his boarded dogs, including a vaccination to prevent the spread of kennel cough, it should be a common standard..

hunter94, good point.:)
I would demand either a new 4 week training or a full refund. He is at fault for allowing the disease into his kennels............Bob
Thanks for the suggestions. Vaccination is required of all dogs. Talked to my vet today and he said that the vaccination is only about 80% effective in stopping it. Looks like some trial dogs brought up from the south is what caused it. I am going to get the full 4 weeks!
Good idea. 4 weeks is really the minimum that you can leave a dog with a pro and expect any real results. 8 is even better.
you guys must have better pros than we do around here every dog I have seen bieng sent tpo a so called pro comes back and still knowes nothing accept where to find the food and water and peaple still pay for this trumendouse waste of time do it yourself and save the money and learn from your mistakes there are a lot of training books and videos out there to learn from