Puppy Training Question


Active member
We finally have Ms. Echo our new lab home! It has been 13 years since we had a puppy. Night 1 was interesting. Tried to crate her in the bedroom, she barked and screamed for 50 minutes. Wife brought her into bed. She went out twice to pee during the night. I consulted with 2 breeder/trainers and they said to put the crate far away from our bedroom and cover it (we added a sound machine). We put her down at 11:30 pm and woke up at 4:30 am. She was barking when we got up and she had pooped in the crate.

Any advice/thoughts about crate training? Perhaps we need to do shorter intervals? 11 pm, 3 am, 5 am? Her last water was at 7 pm.

I have worked with getting her used to the crate with food and praise. Perhaps we need to shorten the crate (Ruff Tuff Medium)?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.