Public Whew!


New member
Hello All,

Sophie and I spent the day hunting public in and around the Gilbert area. Never saw a bird.:eek: Sophie did get birdy at the corner of one piece. The cover was awesome and very thick. Still amazed I did not have one point or flush today. Saw one nest with droppings all day.

Did notice areas in the public ground that had been flooded this spring. Piles of corncobs and stalks as proof.

Encountered smaller white and black signs at two of the public spots that stated "The conservation board has temporarily suspended hunting in this area" I have not seen these before. Was surprised to see these at all. Has anyone else seen these appear on public ground previously open to hunting? Are they legitimate?

We are staying overnight and hitting it again tomorrow as we are 2 hours from home. Will report tomorrow night.
That's discouraging news, I don't know what to say about the signs.

I might hunt some of the public areas in the SW corner of Iowa later this year. I hope there's a few birds there.