Pretty quiet here


MN board had been quiet. It's frigid this morning and I'm bored so I thought I would try and get some more photos off photobucket this morning. My group is heading back to Eureka SD Wed. Looks like the weather is changing. A quick google of the forecast show 36 degree on Thursday. Here is my Setter during MN opener 2013. I think this picture would make a great puzzle.

That would make a challenging puzzle. :confused:

Hope you didn't lose your pics.
I am heading that way myself next week. Where did you see that forecast everything I looked at was quite a bit colder temps?
Nice looking dog. I hope the temps stay at least in the teens for highs. I hate wearing a face mask but looks like I might have to.
A little encouragement. I contacted the homeowner of the house we rent to finalize our arrival. He said he's been seeing a lot of birds now that the corn is out. Won't take much to beat our last trip. Now we just have to figure out a way to corner them.
Good job on the pics. :thumbsup:
There should be plenty of birds. I will be hunting Fri, Sat, Sun. Forecast for Sunday looks nice. I was out there last year on Dec.1 and hunted in short sleeves what a difference a year makes. Lots more cover this year.
Doesn't seem like that forecast is getting warmer but I am leaving 5am Friday morning. Make sure I have plenty of clothes and not to much oil on the gun.
South Dakota bound!!

Heading out to S.D on Wednesday through Sunday. Seems like the late season trips are either great or not!! If you get into the birds and they hold it is the most amazing thing to experience!!! Weather will be cold, will bring lots of good quality cloths along!!! Hopefully dogs will hold up. On a side note: Anybody hunting Minnesota yet? Spent time hunting Western and Central MN. this last week without another hunter spotted.