Pocahontas Pheasants


New member
Started my day today with a public and private land hunt around Pocahontas. The private land never happened. On the public land, Sophie's first point totaled nine roosters!:) I am sure this area has been hunted and was surprised by this many roosters in one flush. Two of them made quick landings! I continued on with the rest of the switchgrass hunt. I know from past experience that pressured birds on this public land will funnel up a creek located on the northeast corner of the public ground. See the picture I attached. Yes Nate, it does contain water and that's one of the reasons I was here today. Up the creek my day ended--shooting wise with a crossing right to left rooster.:) My favorite shot. I continued up the creek and here is the total of this public land hunt. 13 roosters flushed, 22 hens and one group of 12 partridge. You know from my previous posts that I do not care to eat the partridge. They are all thriving as we speak.:):)

All the roosters harvested today were old boys. Smart and runners until they were pointed and flushed. I saw some this year's roosters as I pushed the creek. The 1/2 inch spurred boy on my left sported a 26 inch tail.:)

Some great hunts can still be had on the public grounds. These birds were wary and held tight to the point, but offered excellent shooting when flushed.
Working public ground paid off today. I will travel back to Pocahontas later in the season to hit the private ground.:D
26 inch tail feather = VERY nice!

I've not yet made it up to Pocahontas. Pomeroy is as far north as I've trekked ... and the birds there were spotty.

Nice shooting!
Interesting reports, I hunt around Jolley and have found them spotty as well, with one field void and the next one 1/4 mile over full of them. Weird year, but welcome.

Good to hear from you Berettadouble,

You bet the birds are spotty. I saw it again today. Check my Bancroft post. Water has everything to do with locating these birds!:) This season will forever be imprinted in me that water equals pheasants!:) Scare a few up, they're out there.