Planning trip to Kansas


New member

New here to the site, been browsing for a while and have seen some great topics and information. I am looking to plan a trip to N or NW Kansas to do some pheasant/quail hunting most likely during January of 201, and possibly some waterfowl hunting. I have hunted pheasants before near Esbon, and also near Glen Elder with guides. However, I am a senior in college and looking to do some walk in hunting with a few buddies, and probably three dogs. Looking for a few pointers on where I can find CRP land in this area, or other walk in areas. Probably will hunt for about a week. I have checked the KDWP website and found maps of hunting areas, but am a little confused on how exactly to find the areas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

dont get discouraged when trying to locate wiha through kdwp there atlas sucks the nly way I can find the stuff in my area is becouse I know where it is they arent right on any of them in gove county about a mile off to be exact your best option is to befriend a couple of us and let us team up with you and take you out
i have found the kdwp walk in property to be pretty accurate in their postings, the signs are usually up and it shouldn't be too hard to print maps and guide yourself, as 100's of hunters do every year. good luck.
I live on the eastern side of Georgia (Augusta Area) and I get the Atlas as soon as it comes out. I have a GPS that I use in the truck, but is movable from one vehicle to another. When I get the Atlas I go to Google maps and go to the town I want to stay in......usually in north central Kansas (Belleville) but lately have been staying in or around Norton. When i located where I want to stay......I get on the GPS (have adaptable plug for 120 volt AC to 12 volt DC) and I located the town where I am staying on the GPS. I locate the town on the Atlas and look for the WIHA in the atlas.....I count the number of road north or south and east or west of where I am staying and scroll the number of roads east or west, north or south and place a way point there. I do this for any munber of places I want to hunt and name each place. When I get out there, all I have to do is decide where I want to hunt....punch the name of the waypoint into the GPS and go where it tells me to go.
dont get discouraged when trying to locate wiha through kdwp there atlas sucks

My experience has been quite the opposite, finding them to be very good at getting me to what is a WIHA.

We usually pick up a couple of the printed maps when they come out at the local sporting goods store or Wal-Mart and keep in the truck all season long. If we really hunt a lot of WIHA in a year we'll mark what the spot is and what crops are around it for reference to go back the next trip.

Being in Texas you can download the latest maps when they come out (typically August before dove season starts in September????) or maybe call KDWP and have them send the actual booklet, don't know if they'll do that or not.

Sorry about going to school at aTm, thats where my wife went, had to go clear down there to get married last November, cost me the first week of pheasant season up here....... :)
If you call KDWP they will send you a Walk in atlas!!!!:cheers:
Brownim, the maps are real easy to use. All the roads for the most part are north/south and east/west every mile. Just count your miles from a known point. If you have a Garmin Nuvi, just plug the coordinates in and presto.

By the way, what is your major? I am class of '91
Sorry about going to school at aTm, thats where my wife went, had to go clear down there to get married last November, cost me the first week of pheasant season up here....... :)

What a guy does for love.?! :)
Been hunting turkeys in KS for 5 years. Looks like I need to head west and give it a try with my brit. I guess I'll try the WIHA as well. Don't know anybody but thanks for offering ideas on where to hunt for us out of staters. I'm in Nebraska just north.

Keith and Freckles the Brit
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