Pheasant salad recipe

Phil V.

New member
I asked the lady's daughter about this recipe that had made this.I had mentioned this in another thread.So I thought of doing it's own thread.It's for a large crowd. 1 medium-large onion chopped,2 cups snow peas,1cup cashews,1 cup sunflower seeds,chives and parsley to taste,shredded meat from 4 or 5 pheasant depending on size,(if not enough phez,quail,chukar or any game bird can be added along with phez meat)then add enough mayonaise and sour cream to coat everything good. This the basic recipe she started with and would alter it with what she had on hand when she made it.Sometimes it would be the same as this and sometimes it would have some of the ingredients changed but was always good to eat.The meat she would cook it first then shred it or run it thru a meat grinder with the coarse plates on to use in a sandwich.
I know this sounds different but the lady that came up with this recipe came up with it in the 1930's.She told me it's what she had on hand at the time to make it and made that way and when she did not any of the things listed she would add something to replace what she didn't have.